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Archaeological Assessment of Effects
Prepared by Ivan Bruce

Effects on sites identified by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (HNZPT).

Ecology Freshwater
Prepared by BTW

Effects on ecological values of waterways and riparian habitats.

Ecology Terrestrial
Prepared by Boffa Miskell

Effects on plant communities and habitats i.e. birds and bats.

Landscape and Visual Effects
Prepared by BTW

Effects on landscape character and landforms.

Landscape and Visual Effects Graphic Supplement
Prepared by Boffa Miskell

Visual simulations for public viewpoints. Shadow flicker analysis.

Landscape and Visual Effects Graphic Supplement
Prepared by Boffa Miskell

Visual simulations for marae viewpoints.

Residential Amenity Assessment
Prepared by Boffa Miskell

Desktop assessment of the visual effects on a selected number of dwellings.

Independent Review of Ecological Impact Assessments
Prepared by John L Craig, Green Inc. Limited

Review of Boffa Miskell EIA by independent consultant.

Noise Assessment
Prepared by Hegley Acoustic Consultants

Predicted noise levels from project construction and operation.

Risk Management Process Summary
Prepared by Hiringa Energy Limited

Overview of risk management processes and summary of key risk assessment outcomes.

Economic Impact Assessment
Prepared by Insight Economics Limited

Identifies predicted impacts of the project on jobs, wages and key regional and national policies 
and strategies.

Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Prepared by BTW

Describes the control planning required to avoid or minimise potential adverse erosion or
sedimentation effects during the project's construction.

Contaminated Site Management Plan
Prepared by BTW

Details responsibilities and practices for managing the disturbance and disposal of
contaminated soils.

Traffic Impact Assessment (Preliminary Transport Assessment)
Prepared by BTW

Identification of proposed transport routes and mitigation.

Freshwater Ecological Assessment (Wind Turbine Site)
Prepared by BTW

Summarises actual and potential adverse freshwater effects of construction activities and
suggested management responses.

Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Cultural Impact Assessment
Prepared by Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust

To inform the expert consenting panel of the issues and potential impacts of the project on Ngāruahine
cultural values and interests.

Ngati Tu Hapu Cultural Impact Assessment
Prepared by The Hapu of Ngati Tu

To inform the expert consenting panel of the issues and potential impacts of the project on Ngati Tu
cultural values and interests.

Letter of Support
Prepared by Ngati Manuhiakai Hapu

Confirming Ngati Manuhiakai Hapu's support for the project.

H2 Taranaki Roadmap
Prepared by Tapuae Roa

A document outlining how hydrogen will play a key role in our new energy future.

Letter of Support
Prepared by Venture Taranaki

Confirming Regional Development Agency, Venture Taranaki's support for the project.

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